Display, Typeface

Kremlin Pro Font Download

Kremlin Pro was designed by Tagir Safayev and published by ParaType. Kremlin Pro contains 3 styles and family package options.  

The first version of Kremlin was designed at ParaType (ParaGraph) in 1995 by Tagir Safayev. Based on an informal handwriting. Kremlin is a Russian word for a fortress or a citadel. The reason why the author selected this word for the font name is not quite clear even for him. Probably the appearance of the text line set in this font resembled a tight fence. Later the font was expanded in character set and got two style variations with extended proportions. The suffix ‘Pro’ in the name was added to distinguish the new version from the previous one. The derivative work was done by Dmitry Kirsanov and Gennady Fridman in 2010. The font is recommended for advertising and display typography.