Display, Typeface

Eveleth Font Download

Eveleth was designed by Ryan Martinson and published by Yellow Design Studio. Eveleth contains 16 styles and family package options.  

Eveleth from Yellow Design Studio is a premium high-resolution letterpress family with exceptional realism and vintage charm. It features 3 different sub-families each with its own unique printed texture. Each sub-family offers six distress options per letter and 3 options for all other characters allowing incredible control and customization. Bonus “spurs” have been included in every weight to add retro flair. Other features include a complimentary Thin weight, a shadow layer, a set of funky icons, a collection of useful shapes and emblems, and clean (non-distressed) versions.

The font package includes character maps for the Icons and Shapes plus instructions for adding spurs.

Eveleth Tips:

– In Photoshop try different ‘anti-aliasing’ settings for best results.

– In Illustrator if the shadow layer doesn’t align with the normal layer, change the “First Baseline” setting in the Area Type Options to “Em Box Height”.

– Because of its complex outlines, Eveleth may process slowly in some applications.