Display, Typeface

Debs Font Download

Debs was designed by Anton Scholtz and published by Scholtz Fonts. Debs contains 5 styles and family package options.  

Debs was inspired by a thank you note sent from one of my friends to another. The recipient liked

the handwriting so much that he passed the note on to me after having asked permission from Debs,

the writer. I enjoyed the vigor and looseness of the handwriting, as well as admiring its legibility and style.

Debs has all the characteristics of modern handwriting: It appears loose, unstructured, and free, while maintaining good form and great legibility. Its baseline is varied, creating an impression of notes written by busy people, while its characters remain well formed and readable.

Debs comes in five styles, regular, lite, black, wide and wide-black.

Use Debs for advertising, for casual greeting cards, for a casual, handwritten look on music or fashion media.

Debs has all the features usually included in a fully professional font. Language support includes all European character sets.