Display, Typeface

Sugarbang Font Download

Sugarbang was designed by Glenn Parsons and published by astroluxtype. Sugarbang contains 1 style.  

The 1960’s and 1970’s are the inspiration for Sugarbang! Everything from music packages, beach party movies of the 60’s to cereal box art of the 1970’s are reflected in the kooky style that this font evokes. Sugarbang! is built on a random baseline so letterforms bounce up and down adding to the “zany” look of the design. Look to the second font, Koo Koo Puff, to be the next release in the Cerealboxx collection. Available now. It is a minimal font set which includes uppercase and lowercase letterforms.

Suggested uses for the font would be above 42 points in size. Please note its normal tight spacing and that cap “T” and cap “L” have been specially kerned to account for the overhang of certain other letterforms. Sugarbang! – just add milk and it’s sugar frosted font goodness.