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Noodlerz Font Download

Noodlerz was designed by Tom Nikosey and published by CozyFonts. Noodlerz contains 2 styles and family package options.  

Noodlerz is the 3rd font designed for Cozy Fonts Foundry. It is the second ‘handwriting style’ type fonts designed to have a very casual but organized voice in it’s coloring when set in text. You might say Noodlerz is a cross between a sharpie & a vintage typewriter alphabet font.

Noodlerz, and it’s partner Noodlerz Italic, give off a humorous personality with a flair of sarcasm and cartoon flavor. Great for captions, grocery lists, Dear John letters, recipes, and of course greeting cards. Advertising headlines and supportive body-copy text marry well in various point sizes.

‘Hoping this font finds your voice!’

Noodlerz from CozyFonts Foundry.