Monogramma was designed by Gert Wiescher and published by Wiescher Design. Monogramma contains 14 styles and family package options.
Monogramma is a set of 676 beautiful and unique Monograms plus some doubles. There is one monogram for each possible letter-combination! For easy use I packed the monograms in 13 packets. One for two starting letter each. So if for example you look for the monogram ‘GW’, you must choose the packet ‘Monogramma-GH’ — the G-combinations under the uppercase letters. You now have to type a capital ‘W’ and Bingo you have the combination GW! Some letter-combinations have doubles, just check the numbers 0 to 9 if there is anything to be found. If you buy the whole set of monograms you get the basic font free of charge!
Your long-distance (this was a lot of work) font-designer Gert Wiescher