Display, Typeface

Market Street Neon Font Download

Market Street Neon was designed by Lori LeBeau-Walsh and published by LLW Studio. Market Street Neon contains 1 style.  

Market Street Neon is an all-caps condensed display font constructed with two rounded-end strokes; the lowercase set is included as a repeat of the uppercase to make setting type just that little bit easier. I designed this font to be a little bit more “San Francisco” (hence the name of the font), with a contemporary and upscale feeling. It’s intended for use in larger sizes of type, upwards of 48 pt. Market Street Neon is perfect for a design that wants to imitate neon-use it in Photoshop, InDesign, Illustrator or Corel with color & blend effects, and its geometry also lends itself well to simple color for signage, packaging, posters etc. that will pop.