Heading Pro Ultra Compressed was designed by Francesco Canovaro and published by Zetafonts. Heading Pro Ultra Compressed contains 16 styles and family package options.
HEADING PRO ULTRA COMPRESSED is a variant of the original HEADING PRO typeface designed by Francesco Canovaro for Zetafonts.
Each Heading Pro typeface includes over 800 characters with coverage for 100+ languages using latin, cyrillic and greek alphabets. A full array of open-type features is included in each weight including stylistic alternates, small caps, old-style and tabular numerals and positional figures.
The full Heading Pro Super Family includes, Heading Ultra Compressed, Heading Pro, Heading Pro Text and Heading Pro Extended for a grand total of 146 FONTS built around 8 different widths from ultra-compressed to ultra-wide and 9 weights from thin to black, providing a wide spectrum of sans serif type solutions to your design problems.