Heading Pro Extended was designed by Francesco Canovaro and published by Zetafonts. Heading Pro Extended contains 36 styles and family package options.
Heading Pro Wide and Heading Pro Ultra-Wide are two variants of the original Heading Pro typeface designed by Francesco Canovaro for Zetafonts.
These two extended width families have been added to the original condensed width family to be used for titling where style and raw energy matter more than pixel or paper economy. Still keeping the original design of Heading, with a (post) modernist attention to readability and detail, the wide sizes allow you to write strong headlines and play with sub-headings and short text blocks. Matching italics can provide you with versatility in text use as well as a viable display alternate for bolder weights, with a strong sport/energy feel.
Each Heading Pro typeface includes over 800 characters with coverage for 100+ languages using Latin, Cyrillic and Greek alphabets. A full array of open-type features is included in each weight including stylistic alternates, small caps, old-style and tabular numerals and positional figures.
The full Heading Pro Super Family includes Heading Pro Ultra Compressed, Heading Pro, Heading Pro Text and Heading Pro Extended for a grand total of 146 fonts built around 8 different widths from ultra-compressed to ultra-wide and 9 weights from thin to black, providing a wide spectrum of sans serif type solutions to your design problems.