Display, Typeface

Hand Stamp Gothic Rough Font Download

Hand Stamp Gothic Rough was designed by Manuel Viergutz and published by TypoGraphicDesign. Hand Stamp Gothic Rough contains 2 styles and family package options.  

Hand Stamp Gothic Rough” is based on real vintage rubber stamp letters from Germany. A classic american gothic face mixed with a modern condensed sans serif type. Rough & dirty with a authen­tic hand stamped look for a warm analogue vintage charm.

It star­ted ana­lo­gous with only a few rubber stamps and finally it was digi­tal 776 gly­phs. With 4 × A–Z, 4 × 0–9, 4 × a–z and many other alternative glyphs like @. Plus modern OpenType Features like contextual alternates (automatic generated loop for letter variation). The different variations from the dynamic pressure by hand inten­ded to show the hand-made nature and crea­tes a live­li­ness in the display font.

The font has 80 decorative extras in the form of symbols & dingbats like arrows, hearts, smileys, stars, further numbers, lines & shapes. A range of figure set options like oldstyle figures, lining figures, superiors & inferiors.

Additionally stan­dard liga­tures, deco­ra­tive liga­tures (type the word “show” for ☛ and “love” for ❤ … ), Ver­sal Eszett (German Capital Sharp S) and many emojis & symbols.

Example of use

It’s your turn … for example everywhere where it makes sense. The hand stamped font would look good at head­lines. Advertising (big headlines), Corporate Design (type for logos & branding), Edi­to­rial Design (maga­zine or fan­zine headlines), Product Design (typographical packaging) or Web­de­sign (head­line web­font for your web­site), flyer, pos­ter, music covers or web banner …

How To Use – awesome magic OpenType-Features in your layout application:

â–  In Adobe Photoshop and Adobe InDesign, font feature controls are within the Character panel sub-menu → OpenType → Discretionary Ligatures …

Checked features are applied/on. Unchecked features are off.

â–  In Adobe Illustrator, font feature controls are within the OpenType panel.

Icons at the bottom of the panel are button controls. Darker ‘pressed’ buttons are applied/on.

■ Additionally in Adobe InDesign and Adobe Illustrator, alternate glyphs can manually be inserted into a text frame by using the Glyph panel. The panel can be opened by selecting Window from the menu bar → Type → Glyphs. Or use sign-overview of your operating system.

For a overview of OpenType-Feature compatibility for common applications, follow the myfonts-help


â–  It may process a little bit slowly in some applications, because the font has a lot of lovely rough details (anchor points).

Tech­ni­cal Spe­ci­fi­ca­ti­ons

â–  Font Name Hand Stamp Gothic Rough

■ Font Weights Regu­lar & Dirty (Bold)

■ Font Cate­gory Dis­play for head­line size

■ Font For­mat .otf (Open­Type Font for Mac + Win)

â–  Glyph Set 776 glyphs

■ Lan­guage Sup­port Basic Latin/English let­ters, Cen­tral Europe, West European diacritics, Turkish, Bal­tic, Roma­nian, OpenType Features, Dingbats & Symbols

■ Spe­cials Alter­na­tive let­ters, sty­listic sets, automatic con­text­ual alter­nates via Open­Type Fea­ture (4× different versions of A–Z & 0–9 + a–z), Euro, kerning pairs, stan­dard & deco­ra­tive liga­tures, Ver­sal Eszett (German Capital Sharp S), 80 extras like Dingbats & Symbols, arrows, hearts, emojis/smileys, stars, further numbers, lines & shapes.

â–  Design Date 2016

■ Type Desi­gner Manuel Vier­gutz

■ License Desktop license, Web license, App license, eBook license, Ser­ver license