Astounder Round BB was designed by Nate Piekos and published by Blambot. Astounder Round BB contains 6 styles and family package options.
Astounder Round BB is a family of four small caps fonts and two sentence-case fonts inspired by comic book cover lettering of the 70s, using a B5 pen tip. The set comes with European characters and some interesting opentype autoligatures: In the small caps versions you can type TH+ and th+ to get an H that scoots under the T, and you can type ?+ or !+ to get shorter punctuation to match the height of the lowercase caps. In the sentence-case versions, you can type E+ or e+ to get a script E. The companion set to Astounder Round BB is Astounder Squared BB …collect ’em all!
Notes: A font family on can contain an unlimited number of styles.