Display, Typeface

M Hei PRC Font Download

M Hei PRC was published by Monotype HK. M Hei PRC contains 5 styles and family package options.  

Although traditional Heiti typefaces may not be as lively as Songti, the modesty of M Hei makes is enduring and stand out from other similar typefaces. M Hei’s design is based on the hallmarks of traditional Heiti typefaces: it has little to no thick-thin contrast in strokes and has square cut terminals. Its dots (點), ticks (剔) and downstrokes (撇、捺) are subtly curved and longer than usual; all stems (豎) and crossbars (æ©«) remain simple and clear; and hooks (勾) appear rounded. Together they make a harmonious form which is clean but pure, classy but contemporary.