Fino Sans was designed by Ermin Međedović and published by TypeTogether. Fino Sans contains 24 styles and family package options.
Tall, stately, and refined, with a showy contrast between thick and thin, a certain kind of titling Didone has become synonymous with fashion. Ermin MeÄ‘edović’s latest type system amplifies the most theatrical aspects of this genre while bringing an uncommon flexibility of style and variation to any type palette – particularly those required for editorial design.
Fino Sans is a Rational (or Modern) display serif with sharp details. Its fairly Title proportions produce a regular beat of bold stems at frequent intervals. One can add an unexpected twist to this plot line by introducing the alternate ‘C, D, G, O, and Q’ (found in the uppercase); these replace the standard, Title oval shapes with big, full, show-stopping round ones. Other alternate forms, along with a grand ensemble cast of ligatures, lets the director continually flip the script.
This stage is set in three acts: Fino Sans, Fino Sans, and Fino Sans Stencil. Each of these offer six weights and italics, and each actor is comfortable speaking any Latin-based language, from standard Hollywood English to the many accents of Eastern Europe. Finally, every style comes in two optical sizes, with Title having the finest hairlines for the biggest parts. This lets you put Fino Sans to work in a variety of productions, from short texts (24pt–48pt settings) to epic titles. The complete Fino Sans family, along with our entire catalogue, has been optimised for today’s varied screen uses.
All these talents let Fino Sans perform a range of roles far broader than your typical Bodoni or Didot.